May Pastor Update 2024

Mother's Day
Today we are honoring mothers. There can be no great men or women without great mothers.
We are honoring the diginity and the sancity of womanhood.
Jesus was the One who began to elevate women. Only in Christianity have women been lifted to a true equality with men. However, there are still some religions that haven't seen the light yet. The Bible is full of stories of courgeous, faith-filled women who contriuted to making the world a better place. After Moses passed through the Red Sea, it was Miriam who led the hebrew women in rejoicing.
It was Ruth who put God first and as a result became an ancestor of King David and in the line of the Messiah, It was Deborah who was one of the judges of Irael. It was Hannah who gave to the Lord the child Samuel, the child of her prayers and love.
It was royal Esther who risked her own life to plead for her doomed people.
It was a widow's obiedience to God's command which sustained the Prophet Elijah and the barrl if meal and oil.
It was a little captive maiden who told the wife of Naaman about the man of God who would cure his leprosy. It was a women who anointed the feet of Jesus with the precious ointment. It was Mary Magdalene who first greeted the Risen Lor and was told, "Go tell."
It was Priscilla, a helper, in Luke's Gospel of Jesus' compassion for a mother.
In today'ssociety we desperately need Christian mothers to help mold the character of our children and young people. A generation of Christian mothers can change the whole face of society.
The influence of a mother upon the lives of her children whether positive or negative cannot be measured in human terms. Children absorb the example and attitudes of their mothers whether good or bad. Therefore, mothers must demonstrate to their children good, positive Christian attitudes built on the love of God and faith in His word. Displaying honesty, temperaance, gentleness, goodness, and love.
Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from the Lord." Your first and most important job as a mother is to train up your children to know the Lord Jesus as their personal Lord and savior. and when they know  him, everything else will fall into line. The Bible says, even though the resent discipline and training now, they will rise up some day to call you,"Blessed."
Happy Mother's Day!!!!!

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