Winning the War Against Worry

With all the things that are going on in the world today, it is easy to get caught up in the "worry trap." We have been hearing about war and the economy and cuts in all the states' budgets. There are lay-offs and cut-backs and droughts.
Each one of these circumstances can cause one to worry. Worry can lead you to defeat if you don't know how to overcome it.
Jesus talked a lot about worry. Worry is something that concerns the future. No amount of worry will affect the future one iota. The future is unknown to man and uncontrollable by man.
Now, it is important that you plan and that you are concerned about the present. But worry is future and out of our hands. Jesus gives us the key to overcoming worry and to live in victory every day of our lives.
Matthew 6:25 says, "Do not worry about your life." Worry is inconsistent. Since God made you, and gave you the requirements for life, He certainly also can provide for your life.  He is Creator-God. He is also Sustainer-God. He is El Shaddai. The God of More Than Enough. God will meet your needs in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).
Matthew 6:26-Jesus says, "Look at the birds. God meets all of their needs." You are of more value than a bird to God, so it is rational to think He can certainly take care of you.
You see, worry is totally irrational. Matthew 10:29-31--Jesus says God knows all the birds and if one falls, He knows about it. You are more valuable to God. He is concerned about you and your needs. He thinks about you all the time. Psalm 139:17-18. You are precious to Him.
We also have a compassionate High Priest, Jesus, who can sympathize with our weaknesses (Hebrews 4:15). So worry is inconsistent and irrational to think that God wouldn't take care of you. When you reach out in faith and connect with Him, He will do what it takes to meet your every need.
Matthew 6:27-Here Jesus says that worry is ineffective. Worry will not add any height to your body or any days to your life. In fact it will shorten your life span. Worry and stress are very harmful to the body. It multiplies misery and steals happiness and joy.
It also drains you of mental and physical energy that you could be using to serve God for His kingdom. Worry is a thief. Don't allow worry to rob you.
Worry is the most ineffective use of your time. You have to come to the place where you can trust God and leave everything in His hands. I know with our kids, we must give them to God and trust Him for their care. Just pray for them daily for His divine guidance and protection.
Matthew 6:28-30--Worry is illogical. Jesus tells us to look at the lilies of the field and how beautiful they are. These lilies did not suffer through anxiety attacks. No, God takes care of them. So God values you so much more than the lilies of the field. You bear His image so how much more does He care for you? He cares so much for you that His beloved Son, Jesus, went to the cross 2,000 years ago and suffered and died for you--that's how much He cares for you. He did not do that just to neglect you. So, worry is totally illogical!!
Worry is fear and doubt. This is the opposite of faith. Matthew 6:31-32--Jesus is saying not to be "little of faith." This is what unbelievers are like.
At that time, it was the Gentiles who did not know the true living God. These were the ones without covenant. He would be their God and they would be His people. Today, we even have a better covenant than they. We are now the people of God and we are not to be faithless and walk in doubt and fear. Since you are His child, a born-again child of God, He cares. When we know our standing in Him as a joint-heir with Christ, we never have to fear anything.
He is greater than all. John 10:29.
Now, we all worry some, but it should be only momentary, not a lifestyle. He already knows your needs, but come to Him in faith asking and believing and you will receive (Mark 11:24).
Jesus gives us some answers in the next verses. Matthew 6:33--"Seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness..."
     1. Establish a system of priorities--We need to keep our attention focused on the "here and now" and not worry about the future. What are the things that are important to your heart? Those whose lives are based on the acquisition of things tend to be saddled with anxiety. Get your priorities in order. Seek Him first. Seek the things of God first. Your relationship with Him. Your time in church and fellowshipping with other believers. You must be plugged into a church body. This brings blessings. Set your priorities with God at the center of your life and you will be sheltered from the storms of worry and stress.
     2. Matthew 6:34--Do not worry about tomorrow. Don't overload your day with tomorrow's worry. Don't dwell on yesterday's mess. Yesterday is gone forever. Move on to today. Leave tomorrow alone, because when it does come, God will give you the strength and the grace you need to handle it.
I would like to leave you with some Scripture you should memorize that will really help you.
Psalm 50:15--"Call upon Me in the day of trouble, I will deliver you..."
Psalm 55:22--"Cast your care (burden) on the Lord, and He shall sustain you."
1 Peter 5:7--"Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you."
Philippians 4:6-7--"Be anxious for nothing..."
Worry about nothing; pray about everything!